OpenSFS Policies

OpenSFS adheres to the following policies regarding its operations, websites, and events:

  • OpenSFS Handbook
    The purpose of the OpenSFS Handbook is to provide descriptions of the organization of the Corporation, its Bylaws, policies, guidelines and other general information.
  • Privacy Policy
    Open Scalable File Systems, Inc. (OpenSFS) is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of site visitors, prospects, and customers. We will not sell your personal information to anyone. The information you give us as part of registration will be processed by OpenSFS and its service providers entirely within the United States.
  • Anti-Harassment Policy
    OpenSFS is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for all participants in our conferences, programs and other events.
  • Travel Reimbursement Policy
    The OpenSFS travel reimbursement policy applies to individuals traveling on behalf of OpenSFS for previously approved OpenSFS business.