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Lustre 2.15.5 released

We are pleased to announce that the Lustre 2.15.5 Release has been declared GA and is available for download . You can also grab the source from git Details of changes since 2.15.4 can be found in the 2.15.5 change log. There are the following notable enhancements over 2.15.4: RHEL 8.10 is now supported for servers and clients  (LU-17402). RHEL 9.4 is now
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Lustre 2.15.3 released

We are pleased to announce that the Lustre 2.15.3 Release has been declared GA and is available for download . You can also grab the source from git Details of changes since 2.15.2 can be found in the 2.15.3 change log. There are the following notable enhancements over 2.15.2: RHEL 8.8 is now supported for servers and clients  (LU-16755). RHEL 9.2 is now
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Lustre Transition Webinar

OpenSFS and DDN hosted a webinar on October 2, 2018 to discuss DDN’s recent acquisition of Intel’s Lustre File System Capability and its transition to their new Whamcloud division. The webinar discussed the transfer in detail and provided an opportunity for community participation. The webinar recording is viewable at or via the below.

OpenSFS Test Cluster Donation

OpenSFS is looking to donate a smallish cluster (click here for a PDF with a description of the hardware) that previously supported testing and development of the open-source parallel Lustre file system. While this is still a useful system, it’s no longer within OpenSFS’s scope to operate, so we are looking to donate it to
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OpenSFS Reinvents Itself with a Focus on User Needs

November 11, 2016 BLOOMINGTON, Ind.—Lustre is the file system of choice for the majority of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, helping researchers extract knowledge from data to drive discovery around the world. Today, the nonprofit organization dedicated to the success of the Lustre file system, Open Scalable File Systems Inc., or OpenSFS, announces organizational changes
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OpenSFS Board Meetings Open To Community

Wondering what goes on inside OpenSFS decision-making? Got an issue or a question? The OpenSFS board meets weekly on Tuesdays and is open to community participation. Openness has been an on-going commitment by OpenSFS. We try to make sure that our decision-making process is transparent. Our technical working groups have long been open to outside participation. Moving into
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A Special Thank You

LUG 2014 was wildly successful on many different levels. Highest attendance ever, deep technical presentations and discussions, great community involvement. We owe many thanks to everyone involved, participants and organizers. We wanted to send out a special thank you to Seagate for showing such a strong commitment to Lustre. Their announcement at LUG – intent
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OpenSFS Community Representative Director Election

Nominations are now being accepted for candidates to serve as the 2014 OpenSFS Community Representative Director on the OpenSFS Board of Directors. This position will be open from April 2014 to April 2015. Nominations must be emailed to [email protected] before 5pm Pacific Time, Thursday, January 31, 2014. Please take a moment to give this nomination serious
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Our First Lustre Annual Report

OpenSFS is releasing its inaugural Lustre Annual Report. OpenSFS commissioned Intersect360 Research to look into the state of Lustre development, adoption, and outlook. The report is segmented into three sections: Market Dynamics; The State of Lustre in 2014; and Intersect360 Research Analysis. It looks at market trends around file systems, exploring the past, present and future
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2014 Lustre Survey Deadline This Week

Lustre community! The OpenSFS Community Development Working Group wants to ensure that future Lustre releases are well-aligned with your needs. Help make sure your organization’s voice is heard by completing this short survey! The deadline is this Friday, March 14th. Please fill out the survey today!