Posts Categorized: LAD

LAD’14 Videos/Slides Online

Thanks to Rich Brueckner at InsideHPC, videos of the Lustre Administrators and Developer’s workshop held September 22-23 in Reims, France, are now »online.

LAD ’14 – Reims, France – Agenda

LAD ’14 at Reims, France, September 22-23 The Lustre Administrators and Developers 2014 Program Committee is happy to announce that it has finalized the agenda, and we think it’s a great agenda! Please take a look at: Early-bird registration We offer early registrants’ savings of 100 EUR off before August 27th, 2014, so  register
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LAD’14 – Lustre Administrators and Developers Workshop

September 22-23, 2014 Domaine Pommery, Reims – France Organized by EOFS and OpenSFS in collaboration with the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne LAD’14 will take place in Reims, France, at Domaine Pommery during two days, on September 22-23, 2014. This will be a great opportunity for worldwide Lustre administrators and developers to gather and exchange their experiences,
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