OpenSFS News

LWG Meeting Jan 22-23 2015 in Livermore, CA

By jfranklin

The OpenSFS Lustre Working Group (LWG) would like to invite all Lustre software developers to register and attend the two day Lustre Developer Project Meeting in Livermore, CA on January 22-23.

This meeting is by, and for,  for Lustre software developers.  All topics concerning Lustre software developement are welcome.  The agenda will be finalized with input from you.

> Details

SC14 BoF Announced

By jfranklin

Supercomputing 2014 – November 17-20 – New Orleans

Going to  SC’14? So are we! Come join us November 17-20 as we bring supercomputing to New Orleans. OpenSFS will be  hosting a booth on the show floor (#2524) as well as planning additional SC activities. Stay tuned for additional details or contact OpenSFS Administration.

The Birds of a Feather (BoF) session is scheduled for Tuesday November 18, 12:15 to 1:15pm
At this year’s Lustre Community BOF the worldwide community of Lustre developers, administrators, and solution providers will gather to discuss new challenges and corresponding opportunities emerging within HPC and Big Data and how Lustre can continue to evolve to support them.

Tue Nov 18 12:15-13:15  –  Room 275-76-77
Lustre Community BOF: At the heart of HPC and Big Data 

The abstract is the following:

Lustre is the leading open source file system for HPC.  Lustre is the only open-source community developed file system in the top 10 of the top 500 HPC systems. As a result, Lustre is now at the heart of many HPC and Big Data infrastructures supporting multiple sectors from financial services, oil and gas, advanced manufacturing, advanced web services, to basic science. At this year’s Lustre Community BOF the worldwide community of Lustre developers, administrators, and solution providers will gather to discuss new challenges and corresponding opportunities emerging within HPC and Big Data and how Lustre can continue to evolve to support them.

Eric Barton, Intel; Chris Morrone, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Nathan Rutman, Seagate Technology; Galen Shipman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Hugo Falter, EOFS

LAD’14 Videos/Slides Online

By jfranklin

Thanks to Rich Brueckner at InsideHPC, videos of the Lustre Administrators and Developer’s workshop held September 22-23 in Reims, France, are now »online.

PRC LUG 2014 – Beijing

By jfranklin

PRC Lustre User Group – October 14, 2014 – Beijing

Organized by the Intel High Performance Data Division (HPDD)


Hear directly from industry thought leaders about the latest Lustre file system trends by attending the 2014 PRC Lustre Users Group conference. Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to meet with current users and developers working with the Lustre file system.

* October 14, 2014 from 8:30am – 5:00pm
* Regent Hotel Beijing
* 99 Jinbao Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100005, China
* Telephone: +86 10 8522 1888

Watch for Registration details coming soon. Looking forward to seeing you in Beijing.

This LUG meeting organized by Intel® High Performance Data Team

LAD ’14 – Reims, France – Agenda

By jfranklin

LAD ’14 at Reims, France, September 22-23

The Lustre Administrators and Developers 2014 Program Committee is happy to announce that it has finalized the agenda, and we think it’s a great agenda! Please take a look at:

Early-bird registration

We offer early registrants’ savings of 100 EUR off before August 27th, 2014, so  register as soon as possible at:

Registration deadline is set to September 12, 2014.

Thanks to our following sponsors for making this event possible:

Bull, CEA, Cray, DataDirect Networks, Intel and Xyratex !

LAD’14 will take place in Reims, France, September 22-23 at Domaine Pommery, a True Traditional Champagne House! Reims is very reachable thanks to the French high-speed train, which connects the town to hundreds of destinations and is only 45 minutes from Paris. LAD is a great opportunity for Lustre worldwide administrators and developers to gather and exchange their experiences, developments, tools, good practices and more. Expect everything you loved about last year’s successful workshop and even more.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].

We look forward to seeing you at LAD’14 in Reims!

Come see us at ISC’14!

By jfranklin

We’re getting excited for the upcoming ISC’14, June 22-26 in Leipzig, Germany! EOFS and OpenSFS will be at Booth #820, and we would love to have you come by and talk Lustre.
Also, don’t miss out on attending our Lustre sessions:

Wednesday, June 25
EOFS and OpenSFS Breakfast Panel
Hall 4, CCL Congress Center Leipzig

Wednesday, June 25
EOFS/OpenSFS Booth Party
Join us from 4-6pm for beer and Lustre discussion in booth #820

Wednesday, June 25
Lustre Community BoF – Towards Exascale I/O with E10
Hall 4, CCL Congress Center Leipzig

Drop us a line @OpenSFS to let us know if you’ll be there. We can’t wait to hear all the discussions and new ideas on the future of Lustre!

LAD’14 – Lustre Administrators and Developers Workshop

By jfranklin

September 22-23, 2014
Domaine Pommery, Reims – France

Organized by EOFS and OpenSFS in collaboration with the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne

LAD’14 will take place in Reims, France, at Domaine Pommery during two days, on September 22-23, 2014. This will be a great opportunity for worldwide Lustre administrators and developers to gather and exchange their experiences, developments, tools, good practices and more!

Reims is reachable by train from Paris downtown and CDG Airport in about 45 minutes by the TGV, France’s high speed rail line.

We are waiting for your registration and presentation proposal!

Please use the following link to keep updated on LAD’14 agenda and logistics:

We are inviting community members to send proposals for presentations at this event. No proceeding is required, just an abstract of a 30-min (technical) presentation.
Please send this to [email protected] before July 25th, 2014.

Topics may include (but are not limited to): site updates or future projects, Lustre administration, monitoring and tools, Lustre feature overview, Lustre client performance (hot topic ;-), benefits of hardware evolution to Lustre (like SSD, many-cores…), comparison between Lustre and other parallel file systems (perf. and/or features), Lustre and Exascale I/O, etc.

Registration for the workshop is now open (early-bird rate):

We also recommend booking your hotel in downtown Reims as soon as possible.

On Monday evening, there will be a guided visit of Pommery Champagne cellars followed by a social dinner on site. A limited number of spouses can attend too (on a first-come, first-served basis). Register quickly!

This event is organized thanks to the following generous sponsors:
CEA, DataDirect Networks and Intel

We expect more sponsors to be confirmed soon. Please contact [email protected] if your company wants to sponsor LAD.

For any other information, please contact [email protected]

LUG 2014 Survey Results

By jfranklin

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend LUG ‘14! A special thanks to all of our sponsors, especially Gold sponsors Cray, DDN, Intel, System Fabric Works, Warp Mechanics, and Xyratex. All the support, advice, and pats on the back were really appreciated.

The annual LUGs are truly a community effort.

We tracked quite a bit of information leading up to and during LUG and wanted to share some of that here, especially a breakdown of our LUG ’14 survey results. In general, we were extremely pleased at the range of responses and the overall very favorable results.

LUG 2014 had 196 attendees, making it our highest attended LUG to date. There were 127 OpenSFS members from 19 different companies. There were 39 speakers.

The “Most Enjoyed” aspects of LUG were:

— Networking and sharing user experiences
— In depth technical presentations
— Futures roadmap related to HPC
— Good schedule
— “LUG is just right. The Goldilocks Conference!”

The “Suggested Improvements” aspects of LUG were:

— Less vendor presentations desired
— Introductory session for new users/attendees
— Earlier availability of presentations
— Ensure readability of presentation materials
— Select hotel location in vibrant area
— Improved food selections for breakfast and availability of Coke products
— Dedicated poster session as part of LUG agenda

We were also interested in who was attending and what topics they were most interested in.


Self-descriptions of attendees shows that Admins and Users account for over 40% with Developers at about 22%. Clearly this is an event that focuses on people who really use and understand Lustre.


Which LUG topics are the most valuable had such a wide spread that it’s hard to come to an immediate conclusion of a main focus. Admin issues like stability, performance, security, tools and more are big. So were topics that point to where Lustre is going like the Lustre Roadmap Update and Future Parallel File Systems. LUG attendees have a wide range of interests!

Remember all 32 LUG presentations are available as PDFs and videos:

The entire event was productive and engaging, and we couldn’t have done it without you. Seeing the range of attendees and sponsors continues our excitement about the future of Lustre.

We look forward to seeing you at a coming Lustre event soon – and online!