OpenSFS News

ISC 2015 Lustre BOF

By jfranklin

The Lustre Community, led by EOFS and OpenSFS, invite you to gather at ISC 2015 at the Lustre BOF

Lustre* is the leading open source file system for HPC, and it is at the heart of the largest HPC systems used in world class datacenters. This year’s Lustre Community BOF will gather the worldwide community of Lustre developers, administrators, and solution providers to discuss new challenges and corresponding opportunities emerging within HPC and Big Data.

This is an excellent opportunity to collaborate and network with Lustre enthusiasts from organizations around the world. Don’t miss it!

Name: BoF 17: EOFS & OpenSFS: Challenges & Opportunities for Lustre File System within HPC & Big Data

Time: Wednesday, July 15, 2015, 04:15 pm – 05:15 pm

Room:  Booth #210, Messe Frankfurt


Frank Baetke, HP

Charlie Carroll, Cray

Hugo Falter, ParTec

Jacques-Charles Lafoucriere, CEA

Stephen Simms, Indiana University

Get Involved with Lustre for Free

By jfranklin


OpenSFS is providing a limited time offer to subsidize your first year membership—up to $5,000! You can apply the money to any membership level. Each membership level gives your technical and business teams the ability to ask questions directly to Lustre experts and test out ideas.

To find out more about how your technical team can take a deep look into Lustre, let’s first do an informational call. Full information here.

Seagate’s Apache Hadoop on Lustre Connector

By jfranklin


In November last year, Seagate announced their contribution of the “Apache Hadoop on Lustre Connector” as part of their continued commitment to open source communities. Running Apache Hadoop jobs has been made even easier as the Apache Hadoop on Lustre Connector eliminates the need to copy data to the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). The Hadoop on Lustre Connector allows both Hadoop and HPC Lustre clusters to use exactly the same data without having to move data between file systems or storage devices. And Hadoop ecosystem tools like Mahout, Hive and Pig are now able to utilize the Lustre File System.

Importantly, HPC customers are supported through Seagate’s release of source code for a patch to Hadoop that will enable Hadoop to share data with HPC architectures that use Lustre for storage. HPC customers, especially in the Life Science and Energy field, are increasingly using Hadoop and Lustre together as part of their data analysis workflows.

From the press release:
“Seagate believes that direct involvement enabling core capabilities as well as fostering the addition of new application environments is critical to open source community vitality, especially for Lustre which is a foundation for much of the success of high performance computing among science, government and business community leaders. Our work with OpenStack Swift, the Open Compute Project (OCP), OpenSFS, EOFS and now Hadoop is just the beginning,” said Ken Claffey, Vice President of ClusterStor, Seagate Cloud Systems and Solutions. “We are committed to driving open source innovation and partnering with open source communities as they develop cutting-edge enabling technologies that are foundational for the entire industry.”

Seagate’s continued involvement and commitment as an OpenSFS Promoter level member includes being an active board member.

LUG 2015: Presentation Submission Deadline is February 27

By jfranklin


The deadline to submit a presentation for the 13th annual Lustre® User Group (LUG) conference is quickly approaching. Don’t miss your chance to share your company’s best practices, case studies, or business experiences with over 200+ Lustre-focused attendees.

OpenSFS relies on the real world experience of the open source Lustre community members to provide valuable sessions to LUG attendees, and we want to hear from you! All LUG presentations will be 30 minutes, with a total of 25 speaking opportunities available.

Submission deadline Extended to February 27, 2015!

To submit an abstract:

OpenSFS is also excited to include panel discussions and poster sessions in the LUG agenda:

  • Suggest a topic for a panel discussion – or be part of a panel and debate the future direction of the industry with leading developers, vendors, and users of Lustre. OpenSFS Administration welcomes your suggestions!

With the ongoing growth and outstanding progress of the Lustre community, LUG 2015 promises to be an exciting and informative event! Registration will open in February and additional event logistics are included on the LUG event page.

Please contact [email protected]   if you have any questions.

OpenSFS Board Meetings Open To Community

By jfranklin

Wondering what goes on inside OpenSFS decision-making? Got an issue or a question? The OpenSFS board meets weekly on Tuesdays and is open to community participation. Openness has been an on-going commitment by OpenSFS. We try to make sure that our decision-making process is transparent. Our technical working groups have long been open to outside participation. Moving into 2015, we are ensuring that board meetings are open to the community as well.

To find out details, dial-in information, and more, please see the Board Meetings and Activities page.

Call for Papers: ORNL-sponsored International Workshop on Lustre Ecosystem

By jfranklin

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is calling for abstracts for the International Workshop on The Lustre Ecosystem: Challenges and Opportunities, March 3-4, 2015 in Annapolis, Maryland, USA.

The workshop is seeking “contributions that explore improvements in the performance and flexibility of the Lustre file system for supporting diverse workloads. This will be a great opportunity for the Lustre community to discuss the challenges associated with enhancing Lustre for diverse applications, the technological advances necessary, and the associated ecosystem.”

Specific topics of interest (so far):

— Workload Characterization
— Adaptability and Scalability of Lustre for Diverse Workloads
— Resilience and Serviceability of Lustre
— Knowledge Provenance in Lustre
— Application-driven Lustre Benchmarking
— Integrating Big Data Technologies with Lustre
— Performance Monitoring Tools for Lustre

Extended abstracts due: January 23, 2015
Acceptance notification: February 12, 2015
Technical presentations: March 4, 2015
Full papers due: March 13, 2015

For more information, please visit the official International Workshop on The Lustre Ecosystem: Challenges and Opportunities page.

We can’t wait to see your submissions!