Lustre 2.9 Released

By jfranklin

We are pleased to announce that the Lustre 2.9.0 Release has been declared GA and is available for download . You can also grab the source from git

This major release includes new features:

  • UID/GID Mapping  Provides the capability to remap user and group IDs based on node address so as to simplify administration when sharing access between security domains   (LU-3291)
  • Shared Key Crypto Identifies clients/servers and authenticates/encrypts RPCs  (LU-3289)
  • Subdirectory Mounts  Offers the option for clients to be able to mount only a defined subset of the filesystem (LU-29)
  • Server Side Advise and Hinting A Lustre equivalent of fadvise that provides hints to the server about the nature of the data access (willread, dontreed) so that appropriate steps can be taken. (LU-4931)
  • Large Bulk IO Allows the configuration of larger options to be able to get more efficient network/disk IO . (LU-7990)
  • Weak Updates Lustre support for weak updates (KMP) has been added. Please note the associated name changes for the RPMs . (LU-5614)

Fuller details can be found in the 2.9 wiki page (including the change log and test matrix)

The following are known issues in the Lustre 2.9 Release:

  • LU-8313 – Deployments using kerberos that have upgraded from an earlier release will need to manually add a–k flag to svcgssd in order to maintain compatibility
  • LU-8880 – Kerberos does not behave in a consistent manner when deploying in a DNE configuration

These issues are being actively worked and have proposed fixes under testing and review.

Please log any issues found in the issue tracking system 

Thanks to all those who have contributed to the creation of this release.
