LAD’14 – Lustre Administrators and Developers Workshop

By jfranklin

September 22-23, 2014
Domaine Pommery, Reims – France

Organized by EOFS and OpenSFS in collaboration with the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne

LAD’14 will take place in Reims, France, at Domaine Pommery during two days, on September 22-23, 2014. This will be a great opportunity for worldwide Lustre administrators and developers to gather and exchange their experiences, developments, tools, good practices and more!

Reims is reachable by train from Paris downtown and CDG Airport in about 45 minutes by the TGV, France’s high speed rail line.

We are waiting for your registration and presentation proposal!

Please use the following link to keep updated on LAD’14 agenda and logistics:

We are inviting community members to send proposals for presentations at this event. No proceeding is required, just an abstract of a 30-min (technical) presentation.
Please send this to [email protected] before July 25th, 2014.

Topics may include (but are not limited to): site updates or future projects, Lustre administration, monitoring and tools, Lustre feature overview, Lustre client performance (hot topic ;-), benefits of hardware evolution to Lustre (like SSD, many-cores…), comparison between Lustre and other parallel file systems (perf. and/or features), Lustre and Exascale I/O, etc.

Registration for the workshop is now open (early-bird rate):

We also recommend booking your hotel in downtown Reims as soon as possible.

On Monday evening, there will be a guided visit of Pommery Champagne cellars followed by a social dinner on site. A limited number of spouses can attend too (on a first-come, first-served basis). Register quickly!

This event is organized thanks to the following generous sponsors:
CEA, DataDirect Networks and Intel

We expect more sponsors to be confirmed soon. Please contact [email protected] if your company wants to sponsor LAD.

For any other information, please contact [email protected]
